

Centromere drive may propel the evolution of chromosome and genome size in plants

Plačková K, Bureš P, Lysak MA, Zedek F

Annals of Botany 134: 1067–1076.

Kinetochore and ionomic adaptation to whole-genome duplication in Cochlearia shows evolutionary convergence in three autopolyploids

Bray SM, Hämälä T, Zhou M, Busoms S, Fischer S, Desjardins SD, Mandáková T, Moore C, Mathers TC, Cowan L, Monnahan P, Koch J, Wolf EM, Lysak MA, Kolar F, Higgins JD, Koch MA, Yant L

Cell Reports 43: 114576.

Biased retention of environment-responsive genes following genome fractionation

Beringer M, Choudhury RR, Mandáková T, Grünig S, Poretti M, Leitch IJ, Lysak MA, Parisod C

Mol. Biol. Evol. 41: msae155.

Uniparental silencing of 5S rRNA genes in plant allopolyploids - insights from Cardamine (Brassicaceae)

Mandáková T, Krumpolcová A, Matyášek R, Volkov R, Lysak MA, Kovařík A

Plant J 119: 1313-1326.

Altai Mountains – cradle of hybrids and introgressants: A case study in Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium (Plantaginaceae)

Khan G, Mayland-Quellhorst E, Kosachev PA, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Albach DC

Taxon 3: 530–546.

Ancient hybridization and repetitive element proliferation in the evolutionary history of the monocot genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae)

Hlavatá K, Záveská E, Leong-Škorničková J, Pouch M, Poulsen AD, Šída O, Khadka B, Mandáková T, Fér T

Frontiers in Plant Science 15: 1324358.

Injection-based hairy root induction and plant regeneration techniques in Brassicaceae

Jedličková V, Štefková M, Mandáková T, Sánchez López JF, Sedláček M, Lysak MA, Robert HS

Plant Methods 20: 29.

Drought and life-history strategies in Heliophila (Brassicaceae)

Mucina L, Mummenhoff K, Winter P, van Niekerk A, Mandáková T, Lysak MA

New Phytologist 241: 532-534.

Complementing model species with model clades

Mabry ME, Abrahams RS, Al-Shehbaz IA, Baker WJ, Barak S, Barker MS, Barrett RL, Beric A, Bhattacharya S, Carey SB, Conant GC, Conran JG, Dassanayake M, Edger PP, Hall JC, Hao Y, Hendriks KP, Hibberd JM, King GJ, Kliebenstein DJ, Koch MA, Leitch IJ, Lens F, Lysak MA, McAlvay AC, McKibben MTW, Mercati F, Moore RC, Mummenhoff K, Murphy DJ, Nikolov LA, Pisias M, Roalson EH, Schranz ME, Thomas SK, Yu Q, Yocca A, Pires JC, Harkess AE

Plant Cell 36: 1205-1226.

A chromosome-level genome assembly of the amphibious plant Rorippa aquatica reveals its allotetraploid origin and mechanisms of heterophylly upon submergence

Sakamoto T, Ikeamtsu S, Nakayama H, Mandáková T, Gohari G, Sakamoto T, Li G, Hou H, Matsunaga S, Lysak MA, Kimura S

Communications Biology 7: 431.


Global Brassicaceae phylogeny based on filtering of 1,000-gene dataset

Hendriks KP, Kiefer C, Al-Shehbaz IA, Bailey CD, Hooft van Huysduynen A, Nikolov LA, Nauheimer L, Zuntini AR, German DA, Franzke A, Koch MA, Lysak MA, Toro-Núñez Ó, Özüdoğru B, Invernón VR, Walden N, Maurin O, Hay NM, Shushkov P, Mandáková T, Schranz ME, Thulin M, Windham MD, Rešetnik I, Španiel S, Ly E, Pires JC, Harkess A, Neuffer B, Vogt R, Bräuchler C, Rainer H, Janssens SB, Schmull M, Forrest A, Guggisberg A, Zmarzty S, Lepschi BJ, Scarlett N, Stauffer FW, Schönberger I, Heenan P, Baker WJ, Forest F, Mummenhoff K, Lens F

Current Biology 33: 1-17.

A Hyb-Seq phylogeny of Boechera and related genera using a combination of Angiosperms353 and Brassicaceae-specific bait sets

Hay NM, Windham MD, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Hendriks KP, Mummenhoff K, Lens F, Pryer KM, Bailey CD

American Journal of Botany 2023: e16226.

Chromosome Painting Using Chromosome-Specific BAC Clones

Mandáková TM, Lysak MA

Plant Cytogenetics and Cytogenomics: Methods and Protocols 2672: NY: Springer, pp. 303-313.

Cycles of satellite and transposon evolution in Arabidopsis centromeres

Wlodzimierz P, Rabanal FA, Burns R, Naish M, Primetis E, Scott A, Mandáková T, Gorringe N, Tock AJ, Holland D, Fritschi K, Habring A, Lanz C, Patel C, Schlegel T, Collenberg M, Mielke M, Nordborg M, Roux F, Shirsekar G, Alonso-Blanco C, Lysak MA, Novikova PY, Bousios A, Weigel D, Henderson IR

Nature 618: 557-565.

The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome – the poorly known sister species of Capsella

Farhat P, Mandáková T, Divíšek J, Kudoh H, German D, Lysak MA

Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1165140.

An updated classification of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)

German DA, Hendriks KP, Koch MA, Lens F, Lysak MA, Bailey CD, Mummenhoff K, Al-Shehbaz IA

PhytoKeys 220: 127-144.

Phylogenomics and genome size evolution in Amomum s. s. (Zingiberaceae): Comparison of traditional and modern sequencing methods

Hlavatá K, Leong-Škorničková J, Záveská E, Šída O, Newman M, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Marhold K, Fér T

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 178: 107666.


Image analysis workflows to reveal the spatial organization of cell nuclei and chromosomes

Randall RS, Jourdain C, Nowicka A, Kaduchová K, Kubová M, Ayoub MA, Schubert V, Tatout C, Colas I, Kalyanikrishna, Desset S, Mermet S, Boulaflous-Stevens A, Kubalová I, Mandáková T Heckmann S, Lysak MA, Panatta M, Santoro R, Schubert D, Pecinka A, Routh D, Baroux C

Nucleus 13: 277-299.

Idahoa and Subularia: the hidden polyploid origins of two enigmatic crucifer genera

Dogan M, Mandáková T, Guo X, Lysak MA

American Journal of Botany 109: 1273-1289.

Recurrent Plant-Specific Duplications of KNL2 and Its Conserved Function as a Kinetochore Assembly Factor

Zuo S, Yadala R Yang, F, Talbert P, Fuchs J, Schubert V, Ahmadli U, Rutten T, Pecinka A, Lysak MA, Lermontova I

Molecular Biology and Evolution 39: msac123.

Genome diploidization associates with cladogenesis, trait disparity and plastid gene evolution in a crucifer tribe

Sheng Z, Guo X, Mandáková T, Edginton M, Al-Shehbaz IA, Lysak MA

Plant Physiology 190: 403-420.

Evolution of an apomixis-specific allele class in supernumerary chromatin of apomictic Boechera

Mau M, Mandakova T, Ma X, Ebersbach J, Zou L, Lysak MA, Sharbel TF

Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 890038.

Intact rDNA arrays of Potentilla-origin detected in Erythronium nucleus suggest recent eudicot-to-monocot horizontal transfer

Bartha L, Mandáková T, Kovarik A, Bulzu P, Rodde N, Mahelka V, Lysak MA, Fustier M, Safar J, Cápal P, Keresztes L, Banciu H

New Phytologist 235: 1246-1259.

Genomes, repeatomes and interphase chromosome organization in the meadowfoam family (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales)

Zuo S, Mandáková T, Kubová M, Lysak MA

Plant Journal 110: 1462–1475.

Genetic structure and evolution of diploid Cochlearia in Iceland

Olsen LN, Brandrud MK, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Bjorå CS, Cires E, Nordal I, Brysting AK

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 2022: boac018.

Ancient biosyntheses in an oil crop: Glucosinolate profiles in Limnanthes alba and its relatives (Limnanthaceae, Brassicales)

Agerbirk N, Pattison D, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Montaut S, Staerk D

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70: 1134-1147.


Genome evolution of the psammophyte Pugionium for desert adaptation and further speciation

Hu Q, Ma Y, Mandáková T, Shi S, Chen C, Sun P, Zhang L, Feng L, Zheng Y, Feng X, Yang W, Jiang J, Li T, Zhou P, Yu Q, Wan D, Lysak MA, Xi Z, Nevo E, Liu J

PNAS 118: e2025711118.

Genome structure and evolution in the cruciferous tribe Thlaspideae (Brassicaceae)

Bayat S, Lysak MA, Mandáková T

Plant Journal 108: 1768-1785.

The genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Arabidopsis centromeres

Naish M, Alonge M, Wlodzimierz P, Tock AJ, Abramson BW, Schmücker A, Mandáková T, Jamge B, Lambing C, Kuo P, Yelina N, Hartwick N, Colt K, Ton J, Kakutani T, Martienssen RA, Schneeberger K, Lysak MA, Berger F, Bousios A, Michae TP, Schatz MS, Henderson IR

Science 374: eabi7489.

The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Lineage Specific and Universal Bait Sets in Target Enrichment Hybridization Reactions

Hendriks K, Mandáková T, Hay NM, Ly E, Hooft van Huysduynen A, Tamrakar R, Thomas SK, Toro-Núñez O, Pires JC, Nikolov LA, Koch MA, Windham MD, Lysak MA, Forest F, Mummenhoff K, Baker WJ, Lens F, Bailey CD

Appl. Plant Sci. 9: e11438.

Allele sorting as a novel approach to resolving the origin of allotetraploids using Hyb-Seq data: a case study of the Balkan mountain endemic Cardamine barbaraeoides

Šlenker M, Kantor A, Marhold K, Schmickl R, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Perný M, Caboňová M, Slovak M, Zozomová-Lihová J

Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 659275.

Linked by ancestral bonds: multiple whole-genome duplications and reticulate evolution in a Brassicaceae tribe

Guo X, Mandáková T, Trachtová K, Özüdoğru B, Liu J, Lysak MA

Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 1695-1714.

Evolution of tandem repeats is mirroring post-polyploid cladogenesis in Heliophila (Brassicaceae)

Dogan M, Pouch M, Mandáková T, Hloušková P, Guo X, Winter P, Chumová Z, Van Niekerk A, Mummenhoff K, Al-Shehbaz IA, Mucina L, Lysak MA

Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 607893.

The chromosome-level genome sequence and karyotypic evolution of Megadenia pygmaea (Brassicaceae)

Yang W, Zhang L, Mandáková T, Huang Li, Li T, Jiang J, Yang Y, Lysak MA, Liu J, Hu Q

Mol Ecol Resour. 21: 871-879.

The evolution of chromosome numbers: mechanistic models and experimental approaches

Mayrose I, Lysak MA

Genome Biology and Evolution 13: 1-15.

Gradual evolution of allopolyploidy in Arabidopsis suecica

Burns R, Mandáková T, Gunis J, Soto-Jiménez LM, Liu C, Lysak MA, Novikova PYu, Nordborg M

Nature Ecology and Evolution 5: 1367-1381.

The genome of Draba nivalis shows signatures of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses of the Arctic

Nowak MD, Birkeland S, Mandáková T, Choudhury RR, Guo X, Gustafsson LS, Gizaw A, Schrøder-Nielsen A, Fracassetti M, Brysting AK, Rieseberg L, Slotte T, Parisod C, Lysak MA, Brochmann C

Mol Ecol Resources 21: 661-676.

Genome structure and apomixis in Phoenicaulis (Brassicaceae; Boechereae)

Mandáková T, Ashby K, Price B, Windham M, Carman J, Lysak MA

Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59: 83-92.


So close and yet so different: strong contrasts between evolutionary histories of different species of the Cardamine pratensis polyploid complex in Central and southeastern Europe

Melichárková A, Šlenker M, Zozomová-Lihová J, Skokanová K, Šingliarová B, Kačmárová T, Caboňová M, Kempa M, Šrámková G, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Svitok M, Mártonfiová L, Marhold K

Frontiers in Plant Science: 11:588856.

Chromosomal evolution and apomixis in the cruciferous tribe Boechereae

Mandáková T, Hloušková P, Windham MD, Mitchell-Olds T, Ashby K, Price B, Carman J, Lysak MA

Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 514.

Genomic blocks in Aethionema arabicum support Arabideae as next diverging clade in Brassicaceae

Walden N, Nguyen T-P, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Schranz ME

Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 719.

Genome Evolution in Arabideae was Marked by Frequent Centromere Repositioning

Mandáková T, Hloušková P, Koch MA, Lysak MA

Plant Cell 32: 650-665.


Origin and evolution of diploid and allopolyploid Camelina genomes were accompanied by chromosome shattering

Mandáková T, Pouch M, Brock JR, Al-Shehbaz IA, Lysak MA

Plant Cell 31: 2596-2612.

Genome invasion by a hypo-methylated satellite repeat in Australian crucifer Ballantinia antipoda

Finke A, Mandáková T, Nawaz K, Vu G, Novák P, Macas J, Lysak MA, Pecinka A

Plant Journal 99: 1066-1079.

The large genome size variation in the Hesperis clade was shaped by the prevalent proliferation of DNA repeats and rarer genome downsizing

Hloušková P, Mandáková T, Pouch M, Trávnícek P, Lysak MA

Annals of Botany 124: 103-120.

The story of promiscuous crucifers: origin and genome evolution of an invasive species Cardamine occulta (Brassicaceae) and its relatives

Mandáková T, Zozomová-Lihová J, Kudoh H, Zhao Y, Lysak MA, Marhold K

Annals of Botany 124: 209-220.

Camelina neglecta (Brassicaceae, Camelineae), a new diploid species from Europe

Brock JR, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Al-Shehbaz IA

PhytoKeys 115: 51-37.


The Aquilegia genome: adaptive radiation and an extraordinarily polymorphic chromosome with a unique history

Filiault DL, Ballerini ES, Mandáková T, Akoz G, Derieg NJ, Schmutz J, Jenkins J, Grimwood J, Shu S, Hayes RD, Hellsten U, Barry K, Yan J, Mihaltcheva S, Karafiatova M, Nizhynska V, Kramer EM, Lysak MA, Hodges SA, Nordborg M

eLife: 7:e36426.

Hybridization-facilitated genome merger and repeated chromosome fusion after eight million years

Mandáková T, Guo X, Özüdoğru B, Mummenhoff K, Lysak MA

Plant Journal 96: 748-760.

Lessons from Cleomaceae, the sister of crucifers

Bayat S, Schranz EM, Roalson EH, Hall JC

Trends in Plant Science 23: 808-821.

Morphology and genome size of the widespread weed Cardamine occulta: how it differs from cleistogamic C. kokaiensis and other closely related taxa in Europe and Asia

Šlenker M, Zozomová-Lihová J, Mandáková T, Kudoh H, Zhao Y, Soejima A, Yahara T, Skokanová K, Španiel S, Marhold K

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187: 456-482.

Post-polyploid diploidization and diversification through dysploid changes

Mandáková T, Lysak MA

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 42: 55-65.

Brassicales: an update on chromosomal evolution and ancient polyploidy

Lysak MA

Plant Systematics and Evolution 304: 757-762.

Phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Thlaspideae (Brassicaceae) and the recognition of two new genera

Esmailbegi S, Al-Shehbaz IA, Pouch M, Mandáková T, Mummenhoff K, Rahiminejad MR, Mirtadzadini M, Lysak MA

Taxon 67: 324-340.

Small genome separates native and invasive populations in an ecologically important cosmopolitan grass

Pyšek P, Skálová H, Čuda J, Guo W-Y, Suda J, Doležal J, Kauzál O, Lambertini C, Lučanová M, Mandáková T, Moravcová L, Pyšková K, Brix H, Meyrson LA

Ecology 99: 79-90.


Multispeed genome diploidization and diversification after an ancient allopolyploidization

Mandáková T, Pouch M, Harmanová K, Hei Zhan S, Mayrose I, Lysak MA

Molecular Ecology 26: 1-18.

Monophyletic origin and evolution of the largest crucifer genomes

Mandáková T, Hloušková P, German DA, Lysak MA

Plant Physiology 174: 2062-2071.

A taxonomic revision of the genus Pseudocamelina (Brasssicaceae, tribe Thlaspideae)

Esmailbegi S, Lysak MA, Rahiminejad MR, Mirtadzadini M, Mummenhoff K, Al-Shehbaz IA

Phytotaxa 313: 117-129.

A taxonomic revision of the genus Graellsia (Brassicaceae, tribe Thlaspideae)

Esmailbegi S, Lysak MA, Rahiminejad MR, Mirtadzadini M, Mummenhoff K, Al-Shehbaz IA

Phytotaxa 313: 105-116.

The Mediterranean: the cradle of Anthoxanthum (Poaceae) diploid diversity

Chumová Z, Záveská E, Mandáková T, Krak K, Trávníček P

Annals of Botany 120: 285-302.

Epistatic and allelic interactions control expression of ribosomal RNA gene clusters in Arabidopsis thaliana

Rabanal FA, Mandáková T, Soto-Jiménez LM, Greenhalgh R, Parrott DL, Lutzmayer S, Steffen JG, Nizhynska V, Mott R, Lysak MA, Clark RM, Nordborg M

Genome Biology 18: 75.

Young inversion with multiple linked QTLs under selection in a hybrid zone

Lee CR, Wang B, Mojica JP, Mandáková T, Prasad KV, Goicoechea JL, Perera N, Hellsten U, Hundley HN, Johnson J, Grimwood J, Barry K, Fairclough S, Jenkins JW, Yu Y, Kudrna D, Zhang J, Talag J, Golser W, Ghattas K, Schranz ME, Wing R, Lysak MA, Schmutz J, Rokhsar DS, Mitchell-Olds T

Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 0119.

Unstable Inheritance of 45S rRNA Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

Rabanal FA, Nizhynska V, Mandáková T, Novikova PY, Lysak MA, Mott R, Nordborg M

G3 (Bethesda) 7: 1201-1209.


Are B-chromosomes responsible for the extraordinary genome size variation in selected Anthoxanthum annuals?

Chumová Z, Mandáková T, Trávníček P

Plant Syst Evol 302: 731–738.

How diploidization turned a tetraploid into a pseudotriploid

Mandáková T, Gloss AD, Whiteman NK, Lysak MA

Am J Bot. 103: 1187-1196.

Painting of Arabidopsis chromosomes with chromosome-specific BAC Clones

Mandáková T, Lysak MA

Curr. Protoc. Plant Biol. 1: 359-371.

Chromosome preparation for cytogenetic analyses in Arabidopsis

Mandáková T, Lysak MA

Curr. Protoc. Plant Biol. 1: 43-51.

Comparative paleogenomics of crucifers: ancestral genomic blocks revisited

Lysak MA, Mandáková T, ME Schranz

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 30: 108-115.

chromDraw: an R package for visualization of linear and circular karyotypes

Jan Janečka, Martin A. Lysak

Chromosome Research 24: 217-223.

Ecological segregation does not drive the intricate parapatric distribution of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of the Arabidopsis arenosa group (Brassicaceae)

Kolář F, Lučanová M, Záveská E, Fuxová G, Mandáková T, Španiel S, Senko D, Svitok M, Kolník M, Gudžinskas Z, Marhold K

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119: 673-688.


A time-calibrated road map of Brassicaceae species radiation and evolutionary history

Hohmann N, Wolf EM, Lysak MA, Koch MA

Plant Cell 27: 2770-2784.

The common ancestral genome of the Brassica species

Cheng F, Lysak MA, Mandáková T, Wang X

In: Wang X, Kole Ch (eds.) The Brassica rapa Genome. Springer. pp.: 97-106.

Evolutionary and taxonomic implications of variation in nuclear genome size: lesson from the grass genus Anthoxanthum (Poaceae)

Chumová Z, Krejčíková J, Mandáková T, Suda J, Trávníček P

PLoS ONE 10: e0133748.

Analysis of the giant genomes of Fritillaria (Liliaceae) indicates that a lack of DNA removal characterizes extreme expansions in genome size

Kelly LJ, Renny-Byfield, Pellicer J, Macas J, Novák P, Neumann P, Lysak MA, Day PD, Berger M, Fay MF, Nichols RA, Leitch AR, Leitch IJ

New Phytologist 208: 596-607.

Catastrophic chromosomal restructuring during genome elimination in plants

Tan EH, Henry IM, Ravi M, Bradnam KR, Mandakova T, Marimuthu MP, Korf I, Lysak MA, Comai L, Chan SW

eLife 4: e06516.

Karyotype evolution in apomictic Boechera and the origin of the aberrant chromosomes

Mandáková T, Schranz ME, Sharbel TF, de Jong H, Lysak MA

Plant Journal 82: 785–793.

Chromosome "fusions" in karyotype evolution

Lysak MA

McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology 2015: 50-53.

Genome expansion of Arabis alpina linked with retrotransposition and reduced symmetric DNA methylation

Willing E-M, Rawat V, Mandáková T, Maumus F, Velikkakam James G, Nordström KJV, Becker C, Warthmann N, Chica C, Szarzynska B, Zytnicki M, Albani MC, Kiefer C, Bergonzi S, Castaings L, Mateos JL, Berns MC, Bujdoso N, Piofczyk T, de Lorenzo L, Barrero-Sicilia C, Mateos I, Piednoël M, Hagmann J, Chen-Min-Tao R, Iglesias-Fernández R, Schuster SC, Alonso-Blanco C, Roudier F, Carbonero P, Paz-Ares J, Davis SJ, Pecinka A, Quesneville H, Colot V, Lysak MA, Weigel D, Coupland G, Schneeberger K

Nature Plants 1: 14023.


When fathers are instant loosers: homogenisation of rDNA loci in recently formed Cardamine schulzii trigenomic allopolyploid

Zozomová-Lihová J, Mandáková T, Mummenhoff K, Kovaříková A, Lysak MA, Kovařík A

New Phytologist 203: 1096-1108.

Multiple hybridization events in Cardamine (Brassicaceae) during the last 150 years: revisiting a textbook example of neoallopolyploidy

Zozomová-Lihová J, Krak K, Mandáková T, Shimizu KK, Spaniel S, Vít P, Lysak MA

Annals of Botany 113: 817-830.

Chromatin features of plant telomeric sequences at terminal vs. internal positions

Majerova E, Mandáková T, Vu GTH, Fajkus J, Lysak MA, Fojtova M

Frontiers in Plant Science 5 : 593.

BrassiBase: Introduction to a novel knowledge database on Brassicaceae evolution

Kiefer M, Schmickl R, German DA, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Al-Shehbaz IA, Franzke A, Mummenhoff K, Stamatakis A, and Koch MA

Plant & Cell Physiology 55: e3.

Cardamine hirsuta: a versatile genetic system for comparative studies

Hay AS, Pieper B, Cooke E, Mandáková T, Cartolano M, Tattersall AD, Ioio RD, McGowan SJ, Barkoulas M, Galinha C, Rast MI, Lamb J, Hofhuis H, Gan X, Then C, Martinez-Garcia JF, Carine MA, Scotland RW, Filatov DA, Lysak MA, Tsiantis M

Plant Journal 78: 1-15.


The Capsella rubella genome and the genomic consequences of rapid mating system evolution

Slotte T, Hazzouri KM, Ågren JA, Koenig D, Maumus F, Guo YL, Steige K, Platts AE, Escobar JS, Newman LK, Wang W, Mandáková T, Vello E, Smith LM, Henz SR, Steffen J, Takuno S, Brandvain Y, Coop G, Andolfatto P, Hu TT, Blanchette M, Clark RM, Quesneville H, Nordborg M, Gaut BS, Lysak MA, Jenkins J, Grimwood J, Chapman J, Prochnik S, Shu S, Rokhsar D, Schmutz J, Weigel D, Wright SI

Nature Genetics 45: 831-835.

Massive genomic variation and strong selection in Arabidopsis thaliana lines from Sweden

Long Q, Rabanal FA, Meng D, Huber CD, Farlow A, Platzer A, Zhang Q, Vilhjálmsson BJ, Korte A, Nizhynska V, Voronin V, Korte P, Sedman L, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Seren Ü, Hellmann I, Nordborg M

Nature Genetics 45: 884-890.

Analysis of plant meiotic chromosomes by chromosome painting

Lysak MA, Mandáková T

Methods in Molecular Biology 990: 13-24.

The More the Merrier: recent hybridization and polyploidy in Cardamine

Mandakova T, Kovarik A, Zozomova-Lihova J, Shimizu-Inatsugi R, Shimizu KK, Mummenhoff K, Marhold K, Lysak MA

Plant Cell 25: 3280-3295.

Deciphering the diploid ancestral genome of the mesohexaploid Brassica rapa

Cheng F, Mandáková T, Wu J, Xie Q, Lysak MA, Wang X

Plant Cell 25: 884-890.

An atlas of over 90,000 conserved non-coding sequences yields detailed insight into crucifer regulatory regions

Haudry A, Platts AE, Vello E, Hoen D, Leclercq M, Williamson R, Forczek E, Joly-Lopez Z, Steffen J, Hazzouri KM, Dewar K, Stinchcombe JR, Schoen DJ, Wang X, Schmutz J, Town CD, Edger PP, Pires JC, Schumaker KS, Jarvis DE, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Schranz ME, van den Bergh E, Harrison P, Moses AM, Bureau TE, Wright SI, Blanchette M

Nat Genet 45: 891-898.


Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies

Ambrozová K, Mandáková T, Bures P, Neumann P, Leitch IJ, Koblízková A, Macas J, Lysak MA

Annals of Botany 107: 255-268.

Cabbage family affairs: the evolutionary history of Brassicaceae

Franzke A, Lysak MA, Al-Shehbaz IA, Koch MA, Mummenhoff K

Trends in Plant Science 16: 108-116.

Phylogeny, genome and karyotype evolution of crucifers (Brassicaceae)

Lysak MA, Koch MA

In: Bancroft I, Schmidt R (eds.): Genetics and Genomics of the Brassicaceae. Springer, New York: 1-31.

Cytogenetic studies in vegetable Brassicas

Ziolkowski PA, Lysak MA, Heneen WK

In: Sadowski J, Kole C (eds.) Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Vegetable Brassicas. Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire.: 257-303.

Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Chorisporeae (Brassicaceae)

German DA, Grant JR, Lysak MA, Al-Shehbaz IA



Fast diploidization in close mesopolyploid relatives of Arabidopsis

Mandáková T, Joly S, Krzywinski M, Mummenhoff K, Lysak MA

Plant Cell 22: 2277-2290.

Island species radiation and karyotypic stasis in Pachycladon allopolyploids

Mandáková T, Heenan PB, Lysak MA

BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 367.

Reciprocal and multi-species chromosome BAC painting in crucifers (Brassicaceae)

Lysak MA, Mandáková T, Lacombe E.

Cytogenetic and Genome Research 129: 184-189.


The dynamic ups and downs of genome size evolution in Brassicaceae

Lysak MA, Koch MA, Beaulieu JM, Meister A, Leitch IJ

Molecular Biology and Evolution 26: 85-98.

Comparative cytogenetics of wild crucifers (Brassicaceae)

Lysak MA

In: Gupta SK (ed.): Wild Crucifers - Biology, Breeding and Utilization. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.: 177-205.